Which makes u think how much better the action cud have been if Jackies health was effected. The stunts were not as impressive or as frequent as what we see in the very first scene before the accident. Hence the later action scenes, while still fast paced with Jackie signature choreography style. As the moment he was out of the hosiptal it was straight back into action and of course it would be very demanding on the body to do such physic feats with only just recovering from such a serious injury. But due to the injury, u can tell it's effected Jackie performance during the latter of the shoot, as action was lacking until near the end, which other critics have mentioned. But as for the movie it's action packed entertaining as u expect from 80s modern Jackie Chan films. This I feel is worth a worthy mention of how Jackie goes out of his way to do such dangerous impressive stunts for all the sake of his fans.

The branch snap and Jackie fell down a dangerous hieght and sustained a damage to his skull which has a plug in till today. Jackie was suppositely to grab onto a branch of a tree and swing tot yhe other side.

But this was alsot he famous film which gave him the hole in his skull as the stunt in the first scene went wrong. Some title clashing to my knowledge this is the First movie hence 1988 and should be just caleld "Armour of God" NOT "Operation condor 2" But anyway the first scene is very impressive as Jackie flips and jumps off trees, rock formations with that fast pacing.