This Bhulekh portal is available in an online manner.Odisha bhulekh land records online Benefits If you check in an online, you will get more information regarding Bhulekh Odisha plot details. Through online land records, people of Odisha can check their ROR documents and check their maps to view their land. You can fill the application for checking your land. As a resident of Odisha, you can check any time your online land Odisha government concerned authorities announced this project so that the residents will be beneficial from this project.Off late, Odisha government concerned authorities developed this Bhulekh Odisha portal. In this article, we will share regarding land record of Odisha. Today we will discuss detailed information about Bhulekh land records so that you can check Odisha Bhulekh land records. The main aim of this portal is to provide online land records. Odisha government has launched an online land record in the state so that the resident can check their land through online procedure.

Procedure to download Odisha bhulekh appīhulekh odisha map|bhulekh map|bhulekh land records online|bhulekh odisha land valuation|bhulekh odisha mutation case status|bhulekh odisha 42 mouza: Nowadays, an online land record is becoming trendy.Odisha bhulekh land records online Benefits.Block wise/Tahsil wise Village list follows as below Village List with R.I Circle and Panchayat Village List (Jagatsinghpur Block) Sl. There are 8 Blocks, 8 Tahasils, 76 R.I Circles, 1321 Revenue villages,1292 CD Villages, 198 Gram Panchayats and 13 Police stations functioning in the District. Jagatsinghpur District has only one subdivision namely Jagatsinghpur. Jagatsinghpur district was formed since vide Government Notification No.14218/R dated and EOG No.459 dated.